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#1 Small Business Struggle

This is a quick one, but I think it is a really important topic to discuss.

If you're like me and you run a one-person-show-small business, everything moving forward is dependent on your actions. And that is blessing, but there are times when you just wish there was someone else around to pick up the slack.

The number one struggle in small businesses is everyday-life chaos!

I'm catching myself slipping into this pattern again: as my personal life gets busier, my small business life starts to trail off.

And it isn't because I don't love it or don't want to see it thrive, but in the midst of chaos, I struggle to be creative, to be focused, or to be organized about anything other than my personal life chaos! Our businesses are so interconnected in our lives, that it is hard to separate it out sometimes and the chaos trap starts to ensue.

So here is what I am doing: Scheduling a 1 Hour Meeting with Myself

I had to start treating my business, not like an extension of myself, but rather a professional commitment I ma

de. I would never skip a work meeting just because I was overwhelmed with personal transitions, so I started turning my small business time into work meetings with myself.

And if you're still struggling: Tell your partner, social media following, family or friends and ask them to hold you accountible.

The struggle can be real, but a step towards the solution can be simple!

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